There is NO easy way.
What’s theeasiest way to lose weight? I’m going to give you the simplest answer that Ican to this question. There isn’t one! I think this is the question that I haveheard the most over my own journey for the past 4 years. There is no magicanswer, no one specific diet protocol or training regime that is going to beeasier than others.
At my heaviestI have weighed 17stone, now considering that I’m only 5 feet 6.5 inches tall(yes the .5 is important people I’m grasping hard to everything I can it’s atough world for the “short guy”), that is a lot of weight to be carrying. Ispent years yo yo’ing with my weight never really grasping what I needed to doproperly always looking for that “easy way.” Guess what, I never found it. Why?Because it doesn’t exist.
The time isfast approaching that a lot of people will be making those New Year’sresolutions and saying to themselves “I’m gonna do this” and “I’m gonna dothat.” Will all these people follow through with what they promise themselves.No. Why? Because they don’t really want it. They just kinda want it but theydon’t really want it. Let’s say this is you, you really want it and your goalis to lose 5 stone or something there about. I mention this goal because that’swhere I was. You can do it, it is not an impossible task. Yes sometimes lifegets in the way. But that’s life. It’s how you duck and roll with what itthrows at you that is going to make the difference. The biggest thing you needto do is ADMIT to yourself that you need to change and that it’s not going tobe easy. I’d say that this game is 90% mental and 10% physical. Once youConquer your mind you will conquer your body.
Setting outon your journey you will be asking yourself all manner of questions andthoughts, and I would wage that the following are some of them.
“What dietcan I do?”
“When can Ihave cheat meals?”
“What gym canI join?”
“How oftenand hard should I go to the gym?”
“I don’t havetime to make food for work.”
One of thefirst steps you have to take is being brutally honest with yourself. After allif you can’t tell yourself how it is who can you tell how it is?!
Educateyourself with food. Fad diets don’t work long term, (the special k diet, slimfast diet, weight watchers, slimming world). There is no substitute for realfood and learning how to prepare it. After all this is your fuel you wouldn’tput diesel into a petrol car and expect it to go far. Your body is the same andthe foods that it will process in the best way might not be what you think. Forexample starchy carbohydrates such as potato’s, rice and so on might not beright for you and your body might not process them as well as other energy sourcessuch as fats (eg. nuts, seeds, butter, coconut oil)
Cheat meals.
Reality checktime. You have had all your cheat meals. These are what have got you to theposition you are in now. This may be the hardest one to admit or accept. Thisdoesn’t mean you can’t enjoy food or have a special meal but if fast food wasyour cheat meals then forget it. Whoever put the “s” in fast food was a genius.
You don’tneed to stress about what gym to join and the expense that comes with it. Makesmall goals at first such as going for an hour’s walk each day. There are amillion bodyweight exercises that you can do at home or anywhere that can putyou on the right track. Search the internet, there are hundreds of trainers onYouTube that regularly upload simple workouts. This could always be a startingpoint for you. The main thing is becoming more active. Then take it from therewhen deciding what gym to join or fitness centre to join.
Make time foryourself, it’s time to get a little selfish with some of your time in terms ofreaching your goals, if you don’t then you are only creating barriers foryourself. Get up half an hour earlier in a morning and prepare your food forthe day or take half an hour the night before when you would usually sit andwatch TV to do it. Once you start it will soon become normal for you and youwill reap the rewards.
Peer pressurewon’t help you either. I guarantee that at some point your friends will beurging you to do something that you might not want to do because it detractsfrom your goal. Eat a poor meal, drink excessively with them. This is when youare most likely to cave in or stand strong. I have been there a lot and it ishard but worth that extra bit of will power. When you begin to do what yourfriends wont then you will begin to accomplish what they can’t.
- Educate yourself.
- Be brutally honest with yourself. Only you know when you are not giving it your all.
- Get more active, don’t stress about some gruelling training regime.
- Make time for yourself
- Do what your friend’s won’t and you’ll start to achieve what they can’t.
This listcould be endless of do’s and don’ts but in my journey I have learnt that these5 points are some of the most important but I am still learning myself and feelthat I have only just begun.
I am afather, a partner and a full time cop, I’m not perfect and I have made a ton ofmistakes when it comes to my health and my training but that is the only wayyou truly learn. I have lost close to 5 stone, I have boxed competitivelyseveral times, I’ve run a marathon but I have recently found my true place inthe sporting world with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competing in the Hereford OpenDecember 2012. I’m hoping this is justthe start and if my experiences can help I will write down what I find in thehope one person reads it and take’s something away.
I mentionedbefore about educating yourself and if you seek out this man then you astarting along the right path. I have a nutrition coach and since working withhim I have gone from strength to strength in my performance and my knowledge.You will get no bull shit from him, he is honest and from my experience hisintegrity is above reproach. If you make contact with him you will find thathis passion for this subject is infectious and you will definitely getsomething out of it, if you only make friends with him on face book and nothingelse. His knowledge is endless and if hedoesn’t know he will research and find out what you need. He is Ben Coomber heis a performance nutritionist and coach his company is Body Type Nutrition andyou can find him in the following places:
Facebook: BenCoomber
Twitter:@BenCoomber @bodytypenutri
Remember,There is NO easy way.
Follow me onTwitter @zombysquad
Me now!