Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Powders, pills and marketing minefields.....

Powders,Pills and marketing minefields...

"What supplements do you take?" "I want to strip some fat, what can i take to help?" "Whats the best fat burner?" "I want to bulk up, what's the best protein?" 

I've been asked these questions very frequently in recent months, and yes in the past I have been guilty of asking friends, gym goers/owners the same inane questions, sometimes searching for a magic answer that deep down I probably knew didn't exist. When many people come to the decision that they want to achieve a physical goal, whether it be lose a ton of body fat, "bulk up" or "tone up" (love those 2 goals haha) they often believe that they should be reaching for the smartly packaged supplements that promise to deliver the desired results unfortunately never really living up to what they promise. 

"Protein marketing minefield."

Its understandable that people searching for an answer or help for their cause should reach for the supplements after all they are everywhere and promoted by everyone, sports stars, body building champions, some of which having their own line of "unique formula's" and i like most people have tried a hell of a lot of different brands, based on all kinds of info, price, promised results, celebrity endorsements, even smart packaging! Yes, I have been that naive! I've even walked into a supplement store with the idea that i'll simply buy the most expensive, "you get what you pay for so it must be the best stuff." Right!? How misguided could I have been. 

So lets look at where I started with my goal of losing 6 stone and saving my own life from a certain early grave and a life with god knows what health problems. 

"What supplements should I use?" - Ready for the answer?


If you're in the same place I was you are not ready, no where near. It would definitely do you more harm than good. I'm having a safe bet that your diet and nutrition is poor and your putting the wrong amount and type of calories in to fuel you. So why would you add more calories with energy packed workout supplements and recovery drinks. You DON'T need them. Trust me. For you they are added bullshit that you don't need. Now don't get me wrong I am not bashing supplements, I don't hate them, quite the opposite but i'll get to that bit. Bear with me. 

You need to get your diet right, I have heard many industry professionals I now follow say the following and it is definitely the truth!

"You cant out train a bad diet."  

Everything will fire off your diet and only when that is right can you think about getting ready to supplement. As well as this I think most people who go to the gym never really get to a point where their training volume and intensity warrant the use of even sports drinks never mind proper supplementation. 

I lost 4 stone in body fat before I even thought about supplements, and even then I took some convincing that I could now start to benefit from their use. I remember back asking my 1st boxing coach:

"What supplements should I take?"

His reply was short and to the point."

"Fuck all, you don't need 'em. They're bullshit. Try drinking some water." 

and that was that. I was off supplementation even the idea of it. Was this what he really thought, No but its what I needed to hear at the time in order for me to focus properly on what mattered, getting my food right and focusing my mind on training and the subsequent up coming fight.

It was from this point on that I totally banned supplements from my diet and carried on that way for the years to come. It wasn't until around 12 months ago that I began to open to my mind to supplementation again. I was slow to do this but I wanted my food to be right. Also when i had used whey protein powders and other  stuff in the past i had experienced, bloating, smelly farts, constipation to name but a few symptoms.  But my shifts were demanding on time training and I was now looking to not just burn body fat but really increase performance. I was stuck not knowing what to turn to.  A friend of mine started to sell some supplements that I had never heard of. I had not seen the brand in any shops but I did know that some professional boxers that trained out of my old gym swore by them, some of them top upcoming prospects. Scott Cardle and Callum Johnson to name but 2.

These supplements were from a company called Genetic Supplements and i haven't turned back since.

I started simple, with a whey protein simply for taking post workout when i wouldn't have time for proper food after training when i was starting work. Because of my body's zero tolerance for carbs I opted for OPTIMA-LM, a whey protein with extremely high protein content and low carb profile. It also contains citrulline malate (delays fatigue, helps the body fight fatigue and aids recovery increasing performance) L-leucine (aids recovery and protein synthesis, basically the rate at which your body can convert protein and absorb it) fibre and pre-biotics (for gut health). So you are getting some bang for your buck! AND massive bonus and main selling point for me, NO upset stomach , NO bloating. Absolutely NO adverse effects. That as far as I was concerned was AWESOME. At this stage I only used OPTIMA-LM half an hour post workout to simply help me recover.

It wasn't long until my friend organised a seminar at the REEBOK STADIUM BOLTON. Genetic supplements were going to be present along with a performance nutritionist. At the seminar I met Ben Coomber from Body Type Nutrition and if you have read my other blogs you will know how much of a high regard Iz hold Ben. I also met a gentleman called Neil Johnson, the creator and managing director of Genetic Supplements. I was surprised with his worth ethic, after all genetics were not in all the shops, no weird and wonderful packaging to please the eye and lure people in and Neil was also a massive proponent of not just selling his product with a million promises he was actively promoting that your diet HAS TO BE RIGHT to get the best out of his products and if your not ready you could very well be wasting your money. This held a lot of weight with me, as honesty is rare quality now a days, maybe i'm a little sceptical of  peoples integrity because of my job but I could see that Neil meant what he was saying and his passion for his product and ethos shone through.

Now i still kept my head screwed on and didn't just buy all of genetics products, as my diet was not bang on. I hired Ben and over the following months made massive gains and got my food right understanding what I was doing and why i was doing it was key. This is covered in my previous blogs. I built my use of supplements up and it is only now after working with Ben for 6 months that I am using a range of supplements. But don't forget this has been built up over time and i am now training, not to lose a great amount of weight, i am training to increase my performance, strength and conditioning sometimes training twice a day.

The main thing you need to know when supplementing your diet is exactly what you are taking, when you are supposed to take it and exactly WHY you are taking it. This is all key to succeeding and failing.

What I take and most importantly WHY i take it!

OPTIMA-LM  (only used on training days)Whey protein, containing citrulline malate, L- leucine, BCAA's, prebiotic complex.

I time this post workout, for recovery and to help fight any fatigue. It is low carb so fits my body-type. 

GENETIC SUSTAIN (Only used on training days) Outstanding BCAA (Branch chain amino acids) drink, i usually take this during a workout especially if I train early in the morning around 0530 hrs on an empty stomach (fasted) it helps prevent any muscle being used by my body during an exhaustive session. It also contains the citrulliine malate much like the Optima and also contains beta alanine which increases the muscles efficiency and again helps the body to fight fatigue essential for me in the early hours. Also it tastes AWESOME!

CREATINE (taken every day) Probably one of the oldest and most relied upon supplements for sports performance. A year ago I wouldn't have thought about using creatine again but remember my goals have changed slightly now and i am trying to improve my strength, performance and overall conditioning for my sport. Creatine helps improve performance and recovery and is an integral part of the chemical transaction that occurs within your muscles when doing explosive training. I take 8 grams post workout and on non training days i take the same amount with food. Usually at breakfast time.

GENETIC GREENS POWDER (taken every day) This is definitely a more luxury product for me, i take this usually with breakfast everyday and use it to help my body detoxify and also for my gut health. It designed to keep your body at the right PH balance to help combat the effects of the stresses of everyday life. It is a mix of vegetable proteins, algae, greens, freeze dried berries, mushrooms and green tea. All organic. A word of warning however, unlike the rest of genetics products it tastes rank! But compared to other greens products out there it is palatable. I usually pop a couple grapes in after and the after taste is gone. A definite must have if you lead a stressful lifestyle like shift work like me.

That's my stack. Built up over time as i educated myself. I also supplement with fish oil, (great for making you lean) Vitamin D (for optimal health and because we definitely do not get enough sunshine in this country) and vitamin C (to boost my immune system).

"I started with these 2, they fit my goals and diet protocols the best." 

People often make the mistake of taking supplements on board because that's what they think goes in hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle and a training plan and for the most part that is true but only when you have got everything else in line, diet, stress and the right training program that is stressing your body enough to warrant it. I time my supplements when my body needs them most, I do not substitute them for real food and if the demand is not there I do not include them that day.

Let me make this clear before i finish, i gain nothing from Ben or genetic supplements by endorsing them as the best and i don't want anything, just for them to carry on doing what they're doing. I am simply a very satisfied customer and i write this blog to share my own experience. Is this supplement stack working for me, i will let you decide in a few weeks when i post some progress pics and subsequent blog.

In closing sort out your nutrition first and then when your ready choose your supplements wisely, learn what your taking and why you are taking it. In my opinion you wont go far wrong with Genetic supplements, they are of the highest quality and contain no soy or cheap low grade ingredients. Not the cheapest but certainly not the most expensive. The fact i think these supplements are the best is simply my opinion have the freedom of mind to look at other brands and make your own informed choices.
"Ross Pearson UFC lightweight chooses Genetic, it wont be long before more follow suit."

You can find my performance nutritionist Ben Coomber:

Facebook:    Ben Coomber

Twitter:        @BenCoomber                @BodyTypeNutri

You can find Neil and genetic supplements:

Facebook:     Genetic Supplements

Twitter:          @GeneticSupp       @neilj_9570 (Neil Genetic MD)

You can follow me on twitter @thebjjboxer or like my page on facebook The BJJ Boxer :)